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Warm congratulations on the success of the Second China Innovations in Cardiology and working conference of committee of experts in cardiovascular devices

Published time:2016-05-18 | viewed:

  Hosted by Chinese Society of Cardiology and Chinese Society of Electrophysiology and Pacing and organized by Jiangsu People’s Hospital, the Second China Innovations in Cardiology and working conference of committee of experts in cardiovascular devices were held in Zhongshan Hotel. People attending the conference included our famous experts in cardiovascular disease Huo Yong, Huang Congxin, Zhang Peng, Cao Kejiang, Hua Wei, Huang Dejia, director Horst Sievet in Frankfurt heart center and director Chaim Lotan in heart center of medical collage of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Furthermore, leaders of companies manufacturing cardiovascular devices and engineers appeared on the conference.

  The China Innovations in Cardiology, founded by medical experts in China, presented its leading goal in translational medicine to build a platform for close communication among clinical experts in cardiovascular field, public health decision makers and investor. Through the platform, we could collectively research and develop innovation technology and product based on patients’ demand.

  Yocaly’s Board of director Zhang Jinjing and Chen Juan, and Sun Jian, director of clinical medical department also attend the conference. Mr. Zhang made a professional speech “clinical value of iHolter in research of cardiovascular device”, in which he described the development and clinical application of heart mobile medical technology and data platform. After conference, Mr. Zhang and Ms. Chen discussed Yocaly’s development and prospects in electrophysiology with other experts.